Be sure to call on Allan when you’re thinking about selling, acquiring or merging with another professional services firm. He can help you put together a winning deal that achieves your growth or succession objectives.


Deciding to acquire or merge with another firm is one of the most crucial decisions you and your partners will ever make. That’s why you need the advice of someone who knows the industry, the players and the things to look at when considering a move of this magnitude.

Allan D. Koltin, CPA, Koltin Consulting Group CEO, and co-author of CPA Firm Merger Strategies That Work, is widely recognized as one of the top M&A consultants in the accounting industry. He has helped scores of firms make the right decision about mergers & acquisitions by leading them through a process that includes:


  • Defining the firm’s goals and expectations
  • Targeting the market and beginning the search
  • Reviewing candidates and making an offer
  • Negotiating and closing the deal
  • Planning for postmerger communications, operations and cultural integration

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